The welcome return of weddings

The welcome return of weddings

16 couples celebrated with family and friends at Tyn Dwr Hall during the month of July following the re-opening of the hall. That’s almost 4,000 plates of food, 2,500 glasses of prosecco chinked and more than 1,280 happy couples and guests. We’ve even welcomed three ring bearing dogs, two doves and four singing waiters.

Our 34 strong team, lead by four wedding managers, also created 64 personalised cocktails for newlywed couples, whilst housekeeping prepped our beautiful 27 bedrooms 486 times and helped to calm nerves of groomsmen before more than 50 speeches were made during long-awaited wedding receptions.

Tracey Owen, Managing Director at Tyn Dwr Hall said: “The last 18 months have been extremely tough for all involved in the Welsh wedding industry and us here at the hall, but particularly our couples. It has been heart-wrenching to have to deliver a continuous stream of bad news to our couples and whilst there has been patience and understanding, it hasn’t softened the blow.

“However, since a large element of restrictions lifted, we have been delighted to welcome couples and their guests to the hall with the necessary measures in place with their safety prioritised.” added Tracey.

Pattern Block

From Saturday 17 July, organised events indoors for up to 1,000 people standing or 200 people seated could take place following a risk assessment, whilst there are no longer restrictions on outdoor numbers. Set in seven acres, Tyn Dwr has facilities for outdoor weddings as well as indoor, helping couples to find their perfect setting with the current restrictions in place.

Tracey, who was a founding member of the Wedding Venue Alliance Wales, campaigned alongside forty other venue managers for clarity from the Welsh Government since a series of lockdowns began 18 months ago. Tracey and members from across Wales have continued to seek transparency on legislative changes and a definitive road map as the pandemic continues.

The First Minister Mark Drakeford confirmed in his announcement at the beginning of July, that there would no longer be social distancing measures in place from next month if Wales can enter Alert Level Zero on August 7.

Tracey added: “It’s hard to forget the past 18 months, but these stats show that we have made the most of our opportunity to re-open the hall and do everything we can to ensure couples have the day they have always dreamed of.

“Whilst the safety of our staff and guests is of paramount importance, so many couples have had to postpone not once, but two times and we are so thrilled that ceremonies and celebrations at the hall can finally resume under more ‘normal’ circumstances.”

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